Kamilo is one of those students that you knew was going to go far. The most important ingredient to success in life is determination and focus. These are things that Kamilo had in abundance. And the result of his hard work showed in his test results. He was the highest scoring student at our center, and as a result we started looking for ways to support his dreams to move on to University.

One of the benefits of Egypt is that Sudanese are offered a reasonable tuition. But even at a discounted rate, there is no way for most families to send their children to university (for some of the statistical reasons we discussed here).

After reaching out to various donors for interest in supporting Kamilo, we found the required funds! You should have seen the look on his face when we told him that he was going to university. This is a moment he will remember forever.

Here’s the funny part. After a couple months, we received an email from Cairo University, saying that they were offering Kamilo a scholarship! Wow! So the funds we raised for him will be given to him as living expenses so that he can focus more on his studies at the College of Economics and Political Science.

God is so good to provide for Kamilo, and no matter what your needs are, you can trust Him to provide for you as well. He loves giving good things to His children.

Of course, this is not the end of Kamilo’s story. But we have other students whose stories haven’t even begun, because they still don’t have the resources. Would you consider partnering with our school to break some more kids out of the cycle of poverty?

Click here to learn how you can give.

Bless you,

The Board


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