Donate From The USA
By credit card, use THIS LINK:
Put in amount then click “add to donation” and Ramez & Rebecca Atallah’s names will appear. After putting in your address, please add a note saying “For SDCLC”.
By check, make it out to “CMML Inc.” and include a note saying “the SDCLC, Egypt.”
Mail it to: CMML Inc. P.O. Box 13, Spring Lake, NJ USA 07762-0013
CMML will send you a tax deductible receipt and 100 % of your gift will go to the SDCLC

Donate From Canada OR ANY OTHER NATION
By credit card: use THIS LINK
During “checkout” under “additional information” please add note saying: “SDCLC”
By check: Please make out check to “MSC Canada” and include note saying “for SDCLC Egypt” Mail check to: MSC Canada 101 Amber Street, Unit 16 Markham ON L3R 3B2
MSC will send you a tax deductible receipt and 100 % of your gift will go to the SDCLC.